Dear Patient,
The Bounces Road Surgery is pleased to inform you that a proposal to change into a limited company has been approved by the North Central London Integrated Care Board and will take place on 1st of July 2024. This change will not affect the way the Surgery is run, its services or staff but rather improve and enhance services.
The important thing you need to know as a patient is that the care you receive will stay the same. You will still be able to see the same health care professionals e.g. Doctors, Nurses, Physician Associates, Pharmacists and ANP. We will still be open for the same hours and the appointment booking system will continue as it is, with a mixture of telephone consultations, online consultations, and face to face appointments.
We will continue to put our patients at the heart of everything that we do. We will continue to offer the same high standard of care and in time we hope to improve our services further and expand the type of services we can provide our patient with.
- All the clinicians, reception staff and administrators will remain at the practice to support you.
- We will continue to provide the same level of GP access and opening times with view to increase this in the future.
- We will be seeking to expand access to more allied health professionals (AHP) such as Pharmacist, Physician Associates.
- This will help future proof the Practice to allow providing the services it does.
- The practice boundary will stay the same
- The practice will continue to deliver care at the same vicinity.
- We will continue to provide a range of appointment types provided by our GPs, Advance Nurse Prescriber, Practice Nurses, Pharmacists, Physician Associates.
- We will continue to offer the core GP services, as well as specialist services such as INR Clinic, weight management and long-term condition reviews
- In time, with the experience and resources we hope to expand our practice offer and develop new services to maximise patient care.
Kind regards,
Yours Sincerely
Dr M Arora GP Partner MBBS
Dr P Sardana GP Partner MBBS